Hello Everybody.
My name is Amanda and I'm from Valencia (Spain). I am an Advertiser and a Graphic Designer. I've decided to open a new blog for myself and for everybody because I need to find strength as I am unemployed at the moment (as lots of people in the world) and It's not easy to do nothing after all the time you have invested in yourself and your life to get a good job and try to have a good lifestyle.
I am writing in English because at the moment I'm living in Northern Ireland and I think this is a great way to improve my english and get to know people from all over the world.
So now, let's start with the blog. From now on, it will be like my diary until a get a good job :)
Because of the Spanish crisis (6 million of unemployed people at the moment, with 60% of unemployed young people), my boyfriend and I have decided to leave our country to look for a job somewhere else. We decided to come to Northern Ireland because last year I already lived here for 3 month (I love Northern Ireland and their people) as I got an internship, and also, because It's quite near to our house. Anyway, I miss my parents so much...
We arrived in the middle of July and we are still getting adapted to the place. We already have most of the documents to live in Northern Ireland and the UK so, at least, we are already able to work here.
I have just finished a Hospitality training (my boyfriend as well) as I haven't still found any jobs in the Marketing Sector. After 3 month here with no luck, I have decided that It's time to try and find a job in any other sector instead of only looking for a job in Advertising.
So, that's what I'm going to do at the moment. Today I have an interview in a hotel to see if I can find a job in the hospitality sector (my boyfriend has an interview too in the same place). Let's see whether him or myself get a good job to do something with our lives. I hope we have the best of luck
And for you that are unemployed too, or that have left home trying to find a good job, don't give up, as I know that there are ups and downs during these days, but crying won't resolve the problem. Try to find always the positive side of everything :)
I need to find the strength in me to keep up in the worst moments and I hope writing this blog will help me to keep focused in what I have to do that is find a good job in Advertising.
My dreamed job: Get a job in an Advertising Agency ;)
And finally, a video I always hear when I need to find my strengths and motivate myself
Britney Spears - "Stronger"
See you soon with a bit more of a Diary! :)))))))))