viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

Coca Cola's Marketing Campaign

Hi Everyone!

Today I want to make a rememorandum about Coca Cola's Best Advertisings.

It is amazing how much importance does Coca-Cola give to their Marketing Strategy. This company doesn't just create advertisings. The company touches everybodies' hearts. They create emotions on the people. Real emotions. They can make you smile for a second. They can make you cry. They can make you feel what it is like to be a young person again.
Some years ago, the company made such a Marketing Campaign for Christmas, that everybody was waiting for the presentation of Coca Cola's Christmas TV Advertising. This was the famous Ad:

Also, as everybody know, Coca-Cola has created Santa Clau's character as we know him today:

Their creativity is amazing. They do so much in people's mind with simple ideas.

Congratulations to +Coca-Cola and their Marketing team.

Here, some creative Advertisings of Coca-Cola:

Please let me know what you think about Coca Cola's Marketing Campaign.

See you next week!!

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