miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Spanish regions Advertising

Hi people!

Today I want to show you all some advertisings from different regions of Spain.

In my country, all the regions (or probably most of them) have created their own marketing campaign to advertise their cities and their emblematic places.


In my opinion, creating marketing campaigns for the different regions of a country is an amazing way to sell the best they possess. Many people never know what a city has to offer until they go to visit the place.


I think that Spain should internationalise these campaigns so everybody in the whole world knows what this country has to offer to them.

Next, some of the campaigns from the Spanish regions: 

And My favourite ad

I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

I'll see you soon,

lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Apple Macintosh 30th Birthday

Hi people

Today I want to congratulate Apple for it's 30th birthday celebrated some days ago.

This amazing company never stops to innovate and surprise us with their own products which are a reference for lots of other brands. 

A way of life

Everyone wants to have a Mac product as it has become a style of life. It means getting into a new status. Everybody needs to buy at least one single item of the company during their lives. People wait in front of Apple Store to buy any new products when it's about to come out.

Steve Jobs

Apple's founder Steve Jobs has become a legend in all the world. His strengh to fight his cancer and his leadership converts him in a reference for lots of people who would like to be such an amazing entrepreneur.

In 2013, there was released a new movie about Steve Jobs' life whose actor was Ashton Kutcher.

Apple's Logotype evolution

Apple's logo has changed many times since the company was created. It has been adapted to modern times to show the impovement of the company throughout all these years.

                                          source: http://thinkmarketingmagazine.com

Apple Famous advertising

Last, I want to remember everyone the most famous advertising of Apple. This advertising was released on 1984 and in my opinion, is one of the best adverts ever done.

Again, CONGRATULATIONS to +Apple iFans for the 30th birthday with such a brilliant career and innovation.

Please, let me know what you think about Apple.

See you soon everyone,

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

The Power of Product Placement

Hi people!

Today I want to talk about Product Placement.

Product Placement is a way of selling products and brands for example in a TV serial or a movie. It's a really good way to sell a product. People can notice them in the middle of the set and when they are being used by the actors and actresses. That's when the consumer feels the need of buying the same product. As it's told, if it appears on the TV than it's good (in my opinion, this theory is not 100% correct).

Using product placement incorrectly.

Sometimes the product placement is not well used. In some occasion the brands just appear again and again every time and everywhere. They appear in many and many programs and in lots of places of the same TV program or movie. And that's not nice as it looses credibility. And it seems like the company advertising doesn't notice that as they are not told about this mistake. And that's a shame, because probably the consumers will loose faith on it and might think that the product is not that good or that it's just publicity anyway.

Using product placement correctly.

The proper way to use the product placement is being rational. This means putting the product or the brand in the correct moment and in the correct place. It also means not abusing of the number of times and the number of programs that it appears in as, like I've said before, it can loose all the credibility.


The advertiser has to analyse and decide the correct type of program a product has to appear in, and how many times it should appear. And it's not that easy, but that's what it has to be done. And the most important, the advertiser has to explain to the company what is best to do focussing on the benefits the enterprise wants to get with the product placement campaign.

Here are few product placements that have appeared in famous american movies:

How do you think Product Placement should be used? Please, let me know what you think.

Have a good weekend everyone.

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Selective Advertising

Hi people.

The other day I was talking to my boyfriend about advertising. As I already have written in another post, he told me what he thinks about ads. Today I am going to talk about how he thinks commercials should work from now on.

Selective Advertising?

In his opinion, as he hates so much advertising, he thinks that publicities should be selective. This means that instead of watching all the commercials on the TV, people should be able to choose the kind of ads to see depending on the current needs of each person.  For example, if you want to buy a car, you can select to see only car advertisings. Or, if you want to buy a computer, you can choose ads of different brands from the computer sector.

Advantages of Selective Advertising

In my opinion, this is an interesting point of view and a good idea. If we can choose the kind of advertising we are able to see, this means that every commercial seen will be completely watched by the person.

Also, the possibility of choosing the advertising means that all the companies will be able to define the target of a product even more.

Last, this also means that there is a greater possibility that the consumer buys the product. This increases the ROI of the marketing campaign. It also increases the company's benefits.

Please, let me know how you think future advertising will be.

See you soon,

lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Titanic's Marketing Campaign

Hi people!!

Yesterday I went to Belfast's Titanic Museum. So, I've decided that I want to talk about the ship's Marketing Campaign today.

The Titanic is amazing. Even if it's a sad story, they have created such different stories about it, that everybody loves everything related to this liner.

There are many movies about it. And, James' Cameron movie about the Titanic, whose actor is Leonardo DiCaprio, has made the ship even more popular than before, helping with the liner's marketing campaign as well.

And now, after more than one hundred years of the Titanic Story, there is a new museum in Belfast (the place of Birth of this brilliant ship). This Museum was inaugurated last year, when the Titanic completed 100 years. 

Here, some photos around the Titanic Marketing Campaign:

Photo from the Titanic Museum in Belfast

Photo from the Titanic Museum in Belfast

In my opinion, they have created a good marketing campaign, but there's something missing.  For example, Belfast should do some other kind of Marketing to promote the fact that the Titanic was built in that city, as not many people now that at all. Maybe, they should make an international advertising of the museum so everybody gets to know it's existence.

And that's all for today. Please, let me know what you think about the Titanic Story and all the Marketing around it.

See you soon,

viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

Coca Cola's Marketing Campaign

Hi Everyone!

Today I want to make a rememorandum about Coca Cola's Best Advertisings.

It is amazing how much importance does Coca-Cola give to their Marketing Strategy. This company doesn't just create advertisings. The company touches everybodies' hearts. They create emotions on the people. Real emotions. They can make you smile for a second. They can make you cry. They can make you feel what it is like to be a young person again.
Some years ago, the company made such a Marketing Campaign for Christmas, that everybody was waiting for the presentation of Coca Cola's Christmas TV Advertising. This was the famous Ad:

Also, as everybody know, Coca-Cola has created Santa Clau's character as we know him today:

Their creativity is amazing. They do so much in people's mind with simple ideas.

Congratulations to +Coca-Cola and their Marketing team.

Here, some creative Advertisings of Coca-Cola:

Please let me know what you think about Coca Cola's Marketing Campaign.

See you next week!!

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014

Interactive Advertising

Hi everyone!!

Today I am going to talk about interactive advertising. This is, the future of publicity.

In my opinion, interactive advertising has no borderline. Probably in the future, people will be able to personalise adverts as they want. There's no limit to imagination. Commercials have stopped of being boring and invasive and have become funnier and playful as people in the street enjoy interacting with these kind of creative ads.

Here, some example of interactive publicities

What do you think about these kind of adverts? Please, comment and give me your opinion.

See you soon!

lunes, 13 de enero de 2014

Logotypes and the Creativity behind

Hi people!

Today I want to talk about logos.

A logo is a very important part of a brand. It's the Graphic Image of a company, that transmits different values to the target. That's why it's so important to create a good logo. And It's not easy. Creating a logo can take time and money.

First, the logo needs the reflect the product or service selled by a company. This means that the designer needs a briefing with all kind of information about the enterprise so that the design fits exactly the way the entrepreneur wants.

Second, choosing shapes, colours and fonts is not easy, as each of these components can transmit different information, depending on the country and the culture.

Third, It's important to create a logo that can last a long time with only few changes to adapt to new times, but always mantaining the original symbol so it can be recognized and people can remember it forever.

Fourth, it's important to know that a logo can be formed only by the name of the company, where the only important thing are the fonts and the color. This kind of logo is called "logotype". The logo created by a image without name is called "isotype". The logo formed by the name and the image is called "isologotype"

Fifth, when a brand can be recognized only by it's isotype or it's called by the people as it was a generic name (for example "gillette" or "tampax"), then it is a successful brand. It has achieved it's maximum success.

Sixth, creating a logo means creating a corporate identity manual. It must be very specific so all the future designers of the company know exactly how to use the colors, symbols and fonts of the logo when creating stationery products, advertisings, etc.. The reason why is that in each situation, the logo needs to be in colour or in black and white ("negative colours"), needs a minimum of distance between it and the rest of the components (for example in an advertising), etc.

Im conclusion, people might think that creating a logo is easy, but it's not. It takes time, needs creativity and a lot of patience to get the exactly image needed.

Finally, I want to put some of my favourite logos:

Please, let me know which are your prefered logos.

See you soon all,

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

What my boyfriend thinks about advertising

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to talk about what my boyfriend thinks of advertising.

He doesn't like advertising. In his opinion, adverts try to sell him things that he doesn't really need, which in technical words means that he's not a commercial target  (He's talking about car publicity, expensive holidays publicity, etc). Anyway, in his own words, he really hates adverts (any kind of advertising).

But this is very polemic. It's impossible not to see a single advertising that doesn't catch his attention. Nowadays, he probably would be interested in a publicity of a product sold in a cheaper store. Or probably, the kind of products he's interested in are so common that he just doesn't pay attention to their publicities (or he thinks he doesn't). 

But the important thing is: maybe, he thinks he's not interested in these kind of products and their adverts because he's not the target. But this doesn't mean he won't be a target in the future. Maybe, when he gets older and he earns good savings, he might remember those old advertisings about products he thought he would never get, and he will just buy them. 

Anyway, whether is one or the other, the truth is that advertising sells. Doesn't matter if you are the target or not. If you still aren't, doesn't mean that you can't be in the future.

And the truth is that advertising campaigns are a important part of the world economy as they keep the money circulating everywhere.

People just can't see how important Advertisings are for their lives!

See you soon!

martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Brilliant: Guinness Marketing Campaign

Hi people!!

Today I want to make a special mention to Guinness Marketing Strategy.

I think their Marketing Strategy is brilliant.

They have great advertisings and, it's amazing how they have created a hole world around Guinness as today it's not only a beer. It's a way of life. It's so important that they have created the Arthur's Guinness Day worldwide. They also create events for different holidays such as Halloween. For example:

They have created as well, a wonderful museum in Dublin. It's very interactive and fun. I don't drink beer, but I have already been there twice, and I would love to repeat a third time. Here, a photo of the Guinness Museum

Also, they have created lots of creative products for Merchandising. Here is an example:

I wish some day I could presume of making such a wonderful campaign!

Congratulations to +Arthur Guinness Company and their Marketing Strategists!!

Here, some of their advertisings and the Arthur's Guinness Day Advertising:

And here, an Advertising of the Arthur's Guinness Day...

Talk to you soon...

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

Making fun of your competitors

Hi Everyone!!

I'm back!! How did the Christmas Holidays go? I hope they were great!! :)

Today I am going to talk about those advertising where a brand compares itself with the direct competitor such as (and, between others):
  1. McDonald and Burger King
  2. Coca-Cola and Pepsi
In my opinion these kind of advertisings are not a good way of advertise the company because you should not make fun of your opponent this way. It's not nice.

Here are some advertisings:

Well, this is my opinion. Please, let me know what you think about this kind of adverts, if you agree with me or not.

See you soon!